
Message from God the MotherReceive this fundamental value called respect.I transmit respect to you and I ask you to welcome it into your life and take care of it, make it grow and suffuse the world and your activities with respect. It is a precious value that will open doors...

Patience and Perseverance

Message from God the MotherCultivate patience and perseverance, because they are fundamental organs and tools for a healthy body and a healthy life.Those who come to meet Me while saying: «Mother, teach me this wisdom, free me from this trouble, allow this blessing to be in my life» are filled...

I am Life, Existence and the Being of Beings

Message from God the MotherI am several worlds at once. I am in the animist world, but also in all the worlds, for I am life, existence and the being of beings.The man caught in philosophy always tries to identify Me in order to understand Me, to know Me.I say...

The First Step that Make Immortality Appear

Message from God the MotherThrough the Essene teaching, you have received instructions and also wisdom about immortality. These are words that have been spoken for you and offered by a higher world that is connected to God the Father with great purity.How did you receive these words and above all,...