
“Be Free from Fear”

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Theurgic Dialogue with Archangel Uriel Fear is a being, a force, an energy, a world that is connected to the depths of man. It activates and takes control of man only when he has not been correctly educated in his 4 bodies, his 5 senses and the living alliance with the...


Theurgic Dialogue with Archangel Uriel

Fear is a being, a force, an energy, a world that is connected to the depths of man. It activates and takes control of man only when he has not been correctly educated in his 4 bodies, his 5 senses and the living alliance with the intelligence of the angelic world. The awakening and the cultivation of the senses are especially important because they are what allows man to become aware that the higher worlds are not only a superstition, a belief, but that they are real, concrete and they must govern the life of man. ...

This text is educational material and a tool for the transmission of the knowledge of the Essene tradition, which is the religion of God.
Its sale is prohibited. It is transmitted only to Essenes in training and only concerns the Essene citizens.