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      Mary the Essene Virgin

      Was the Virgin Mary really the naive woman that the instituted religions portrayed?No, Mary was an Essene, a high-level initiate, a therapist, an authentic Master. What do we really know about the one whom history calls the Mother of God?Thanks to his ability to enter into the "soul" of a...

      St John The Essene

      Thanks to the "The Da Vinci Code", millions of enthusiastic readers have been able to discover the secret history of Christianity, and its mysterious filiation dating back to the time of Jesus. Faced with the immense interest in this subject, the contemporary Essene School has decided to transmit certain elements...

      Energy Mandalas - The Oracle

      Thanks to the oracle of the Mandalas of Energy, finally perceive clearly the influences that act on your life and find the way to success, abundance and happiness! In addition to giving you advice on the decisions to be made, the oracle of the Energy Mandalas offers a complete magical...

      The Power of Energy mandalas

      Energy Mandalas are designed according to sacred geometry and form waves. Each is based on a unique light structure and acts permanently by radiation. You will then be able to receive positive spiritual energies according to your needs (concentration, peace, success, family, energy, protection...).This magnificent book is illustrated with more...